What a wonder that the month of December, the last month of the year, is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, while the first day of the year is then the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It is good to remember that these perennial traditions of Holy Mother Church are always catechetical, for our instruction and for the good of our spiritual lives. It then behooves us to ponder, "Hmmm, why might the Church offer Mary as a patron for the end, and beginning of our year?"
This shows us that Mary has a particular role for our salvation, though she is not the Savior herself. But! God has allowed her to be our spiritual guide and Mother. She leads us to Baby Jesus in the manger, and she helps guide our spiritual growth as we begin the New Year. She is Mother and Guide! So as we approach this upcoming year, let us entrust our journey to Christ in the hands of His Mother (as He so wished!) that we might always remain faithful and steadfast like She was (and is).
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!