Sister Kristen's Entrance into Postulancy

Sister Kristen's Entrance into Postulancy

May 13, 2024

On the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, we welcomed our aspirant, Kristen, to postulancy. Exteriorly, nothing is different. But the interior growth is there as now, Sister Kristen, moves into the cloister (a place where only Sisters reside) to begin a more intensive learning of our life and customs. She begins to learn the virtues of chastity, poverty, and obedience, and learns more about Dominican Spirituality according to St. Dominic and Venerable Mother Kolumba, Founder of our Congregation. Seen in these pictures is Kristen kneeling in prayer, asking God to be admitted tour way of life so she can imitate Christ more intimately. Then the Sisters welcome now Sister Kristen ith warm hugs as she in turn passes out candy! (A very important detail in our ceremony!

Please shower Sister Kristen with your prayers as she progresses in her spiritual growth this year. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for Sr. Kristen and for us!

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