We Say Goodbye to Fr. Raymond Jasinski

We Say Goodbye to Fr. Raymond Jasinski

March 29, 2021

Please pray for the eternal reward of our chaplain of roughly 20 years, Fr. Raymond Jasinski.

Please pray for the eternal reward of our chaplain of roughly 20 years, Fr. Raymond Jasinski. He was a devoted priest with a fatherly heart, totally in love with Our Blessed Mother. He was a zealous member of the Marian Movement of Priests, and he always had in mind the salvation of souls as he ministered to his flock - constantly spreading devotion, urging others to prayer, and being unconditionally available for Confession. We Sisters attest to this! In his last days, he constantly exercised his priesthood as he blessed every visitor who came to pray with and for him. Though his hands were shaky and though he struggled for breath, his weak hands lifted itself up, motioning the sign of the cross to bless his sheep. Thank you Fr. Ray! Do not forget us from Heaven! Until then!

Eternal rest grant unto Fr. Ray, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

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